Library BioFLL.LL.SequentCalculiBasicTheory
Basic proof theory
Module SqBasic (DT : Eqset_dec_pol).
Module Export Sys := SqSystems DT.
Hint Resolve Max.le_max_r.
Hint Resolve Max.le_max_l.
Proofs with measures match proof without measures.
Theorem AdequacyTri1 : ∀ n B M X, n |-F- B ; M ; X → |-F- B ; M ; X.
induction n using strongind;intros.
+ inversion H;subst;eauto.
+ inversion H0;subst.
eapply tri_init1;eauto.
eapply tri_init2;eauto.
eapply tri_one;eauto.
eapply tri_tensor;eauto.
eapply tri_plus1;eauto.
eapply tri_plus2;eauto.
eapply tri_bang;eauto.
eapply tri_rel;eauto.
eapply tri_top;eauto.
eapply tri_bot;eauto.
eapply tri_par;eauto.
eapply tri_with;eauto.
eapply tri_quest;eauto.
eapply tri_store;eauto.
eapply tri_dec1;eauto.
eapply tri_dec2;eauto.
eapply tri_ex;eauto.
eapply tri_fx;eauto.
induction n using strongind;intros.
+ inversion H;subst;eauto.
+ inversion H0;subst.
eapply tri_init1;eauto.
eapply tri_init2;eauto.
eapply tri_one;eauto.
eapply tri_tensor;eauto.
eapply tri_plus1;eauto.
eapply tri_plus2;eauto.
eapply tri_bang;eauto.
eapply tri_rel;eauto.
eapply tri_top;eauto.
eapply tri_bot;eauto.
eapply tri_par;eauto.
eapply tri_with;eauto.
eapply tri_quest;eauto.
eapply tri_store;eauto.
eapply tri_dec1;eauto.
eapply tri_dec2;eauto.
eapply tri_ex;eauto.
eapply tri_fx;eauto.
Theorem Height_leq : ∀ B M X n m, n |-F- B ; M ; X → m ≥ n → m |-F- B ; M ; X.
generalize dependent m.
induction H;subst;intros;
try match goal with
[H : ?m ≥ S ?n |- _] ⇒
destruct m; [inversion H | auto]; assert (m≥n) by omega
+ eapply trih_init1;eauto.
+ eapply trih_init2;eauto.
+ eapply trih_one;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh1 in H3 as HT1.
apply IHTriSystemh2 in H3 as HT2.
eapply trih_tensor;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_plus1;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_plus2;eauto.
+ eapply trih_bang;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H2 as HT1.
eapply trih_rel;eauto.
+ eapply trih_top.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_bot;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_par;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh1 in H2 as HT1.
apply IHTriSystemh2 in H2 as HT2.
eapply trih_with;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_quest;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H2 as HT1.
eapply trih_store;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H3 as HT1.
eapply trih_dec1;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H3 as HT1.
eapply trih_dec2;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_ex;eauto.
+ eapply trih_fx;intro x.
generalize (H x);intro Hx.
eapply H0 in H2;eauto.
generalize dependent m.
induction H;subst;intros;
try match goal with
[H : ?m ≥ S ?n |- _] ⇒
destruct m; [inversion H | auto]; assert (m≥n) by omega
+ eapply trih_init1;eauto.
+ eapply trih_init2;eauto.
+ eapply trih_one;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh1 in H3 as HT1.
apply IHTriSystemh2 in H3 as HT2.
eapply trih_tensor;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_plus1;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_plus2;eauto.
+ eapply trih_bang;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H2 as HT1.
eapply trih_rel;eauto.
+ eapply trih_top.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_bot;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_par;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh1 in H2 as HT1.
apply IHTriSystemh2 in H2 as HT2.
eapply trih_with;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_quest;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H2 as HT1.
eapply trih_store;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H3 as HT1.
eapply trih_dec1;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H3 as HT1.
eapply trih_dec2;eauto.
+ apply IHTriSystemh in H1 as HT1.
eapply trih_ex;eauto.
+ eapply trih_fx;intro x.
generalize (H x);intro Hx.
eapply H0 in H2;eauto.
Theorem TriExchangeh :
∀ B B' M M' X n,
n |-F- B ; M ; X → B =mul= B' → M =mul= M' → n |-F- B' ; M' ; X.
generalize dependent B.
generalize dependent M.
generalize dependent B'.
generalize dependent M'.
generalize dependent X.
induction n using strongind;intros.
+ inversion H;subst.
++ apply MulSingleton in H1;subst.
eapply trih_init1;auto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply trih_init2;eauto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply trih_one.
++ eapply trih_top.
+ inversion H0;subst;auto.
++ apply MulSingleton in H1;subst;auto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst;eauto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst;eauto.
++ apply H with (M':=N) (B':= B') in H5;auto.
apply H with (M':=M0) (B':= B') in H6;eauto.
++ eapply H with (M':=M') (B':=B')in H4;auto.
++ eapply H with (M':=M') (B':=B')in H4;auto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply trih_bang.
eapply H with (B:=B)(M:=[]) ;auto.
++ eapply trih_rel;eauto.
++ eapply trih_bot ;eauto.
++ eapply trih_par;eauto.
++ eapply trih_with;eauto.
++ eapply trih_quest;eauto.
++ eapply trih_store;eauto.
++ eapply trih_dec1;eauto.
++ eapply trih_dec2;eauto.
++ eapply H with (M':= M' ) (B':=B')in H4;eauto.
++ eapply trih_fx;auto ;intro.
generalize (H4 x);intros.
eapply H with (M':= M' ) (B':=B')in H3;auto.
∀ B B' M M' X n,
n |-F- B ; M ; X → B =mul= B' → M =mul= M' → n |-F- B' ; M' ; X.
generalize dependent B.
generalize dependent M.
generalize dependent B'.
generalize dependent M'.
generalize dependent X.
induction n using strongind;intros.
+ inversion H;subst.
++ apply MulSingleton in H1;subst.
eapply trih_init1;auto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply trih_init2;eauto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply trih_one.
++ eapply trih_top.
+ inversion H0;subst;auto.
++ apply MulSingleton in H1;subst;auto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst;eauto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst;eauto.
++ apply H with (M':=N) (B':= B') in H5;auto.
apply H with (M':=M0) (B':= B') in H6;eauto.
++ eapply H with (M':=M') (B':=B')in H4;auto.
++ eapply H with (M':=M') (B':=B')in H4;auto.
++ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply trih_bang.
eapply H with (B:=B)(M:=[]) ;auto.
++ eapply trih_rel;eauto.
++ eapply trih_bot ;eauto.
++ eapply trih_par;eauto.
++ eapply trih_with;eauto.
++ eapply trih_quest;eauto.
++ eapply trih_store;eauto.
++ eapply trih_dec1;eauto.
++ eapply trih_dec2;eauto.
++ eapply H with (M':= M' ) (B':=B')in H4;eauto.
++ eapply trih_fx;auto ;intro.
generalize (H4 x);intros.
eapply H with (M':= M' ) (B':=B')in H3;auto.
Equivalent multisets can be replaced at will in the unbounded and in the linear context
Generalizable All Variables.
Instance trih_morphh : Proper (meq ==> meq ==> eq ==> iff) (TriSystemh n).
intros n A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Instance trih_morph' :
Proper (meq ==> meq ==> @eq Arrow ==> iff) (TriSystemh n).
intros n A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Theorem TriExchange : ∀ B B' M M' X,
|-F- B ; M ; X → B =mul= B' → M =mul= M' → |-F- B' ; M' ; X.
generalize dependent B'.
generalize dependent M'.
induction H;intros.
+ apply MulSingleton in H1;subst;auto.
+ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply tri_init2;eauto.
+ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply tri_one.
+ rewrite H2 in H.
eapply tri_tensor with (N:=N) (M:=M);auto.
+ eapply tri_plus1;eauto.
+ eapply tri_plus2;eauto.
+ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply tri_bang;auto.
+ eapply tri_rel;auto.
+ eapply tri_top.
+ eapply tri_bot;auto.
+ eapply tri_par;auto.
+ eapply tri_with;auto.
+ eapply tri_quest;auto.
+ eapply tri_store;auto.
+ eapply tri_dec1;eauto.
+ eapply tri_dec2;eauto.
+ eapply tri_ex;eauto.
+ eapply tri_fx;eauto.
Instance tri_morph : Proper (meq ==> meq ==> eq ==> iff) (TriSystem).
intros A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Instance tri_morph' : Proper (meq ==> meq ==> @eq Arrow ==> iff) (TriSystem).
intros A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Ltac inversionF H := inversion H;subst; LexpContr; try(LexpSubst);auto;invPosOrNegAtom;
try(match goal with [H : ¬ Asynchronous ?F |- _] ⇒ assert(Asynchronous F) by auto;contradiction
Instance trih_morphh : Proper (meq ==> meq ==> eq ==> iff) (TriSystemh n).
intros n A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Instance trih_morph' :
Proper (meq ==> meq ==> @eq Arrow ==> iff) (TriSystemh n).
intros n A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchangeh with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Theorem TriExchange : ∀ B B' M M' X,
|-F- B ; M ; X → B =mul= B' → M =mul= M' → |-F- B' ; M' ; X.
generalize dependent B'.
generalize dependent M'.
induction H;intros.
+ apply MulSingleton in H1;subst;auto.
+ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply tri_init2;eauto.
+ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply tri_one.
+ rewrite H2 in H.
eapply tri_tensor with (N:=N) (M:=M);auto.
+ eapply tri_plus1;eauto.
+ eapply tri_plus2;eauto.
+ apply meq_sym in H1.
apply multiset_meq_empty in H1;subst.
eapply tri_bang;auto.
+ eapply tri_rel;auto.
+ eapply tri_top.
+ eapply tri_bot;auto.
+ eapply tri_par;auto.
+ eapply tri_with;auto.
+ eapply tri_quest;auto.
+ eapply tri_store;auto.
+ eapply tri_dec1;eauto.
+ eapply tri_dec2;eauto.
+ eapply tri_ex;eauto.
+ eapply tri_fx;eauto.
Instance tri_morph : Proper (meq ==> meq ==> eq ==> iff) (TriSystem).
intros A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Instance tri_morph' : Proper (meq ==> meq ==> @eq Arrow ==> iff) (TriSystem).
intros A B Hab C D Hcd X Y Hxy; subst.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=A) (M:=C);auto.
+ apply TriExchange with (B:=B) (M:=D);auto.
Ltac inversionF H := inversion H;subst; LexpContr; try(LexpSubst);auto;invPosOrNegAtom;
try(match goal with [H : ¬ Asynchronous ?F |- _] ⇒ assert(Asynchronous F) by auto;contradiction
Admissible (alternative) initial rules
Lemma Init1: ∀ B n l,
true = isPositive n →
|-F- B; [fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))];
DW (fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))).
assert((fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))° = (fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))) by auto.
rewrite <- H0.
apply tri_init1. constructor;auto.
Lemma Init2: ∀ B n l,
true = isPositive n →
|-F- B ++ [fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))]; [];
DW (fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))).
assert((fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))° = (fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))) by auto.
rewrite <- H0.
eapply tri_init2;auto. constructor;auto.
Lemma InitAtom : ∀ At B , IsPositiveAtom (At ⁺) → |-F- B; [At ⁺]; DW (At ⁻).
assert((At ⁻) ° = At ⁺) by reflexivity.
rewrite <- H0.
apply tri_init1.
apply PositiveNegativeAtom;auto.
Lemma InitAtom' : ∀ At B , IsNegativeAtom (At ⁺) → |-F- B; [At ⁻]; DW (At ⁺).
assert((At ⁺) ° = At⁻ ) by reflexivity.
rewrite <- H0.
apply tri_init1;auto.
Lemma TopDown : ∀ M B, |-F- B ; M ; DW (Top).
apply tri_rel. constructor.
apply tri_top.
End SqBasic.
true = isPositive n →
|-F- B; [fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))];
DW (fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))).
assert((fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))° = (fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))) by auto.
rewrite <- H0.
apply tri_init1. constructor;auto.
Lemma Init2: ∀ B n l,
true = isPositive n →
|-F- B ++ [fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))]; [];
DW (fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l))).
assert((fun T : Type ⇒ perp (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))° = (fun T : Type ⇒ atom (ap n (map (fun x ⇒ x T) l)))) by auto.
rewrite <- H0.
eapply tri_init2;auto. constructor;auto.
Lemma InitAtom : ∀ At B , IsPositiveAtom (At ⁺) → |-F- B; [At ⁺]; DW (At ⁻).
assert((At ⁻) ° = At ⁺) by reflexivity.
rewrite <- H0.
apply tri_init1.
apply PositiveNegativeAtom;auto.
Lemma InitAtom' : ∀ At B , IsNegativeAtom (At ⁺) → |-F- B; [At ⁻]; DW (At ⁺).
assert((At ⁺) ° = At⁻ ) by reflexivity.
rewrite <- H0.
apply tri_init1;auto.
Lemma TopDown : ∀ M B, |-F- B ; M ; DW (Top).
apply tri_rel. constructor.
apply tri_top.
End SqBasic.